The SeeDeep Reading Glasses for Divers
Product Reviews

Quoted by Steve Weinman - DIVERNET
July 10, 2023
Quoted by Ben Coxworth - NewAtlas
July 5, 2023
Quoted by Scuba News Press team - Scuba News
December 1, 2023
“SeeDeep dive glasses are over the top!”
“Now there's a new alternative!”
“If you want to get the best experience”
Easy to handle
Jolande, a 63-year-old diver, had the chance to test the reading glasses in Bonaire. "Thank you, for letting me test these reading glasses, it was fun! They were very easy to handle and they work great. This is a nice alternative for my old prescription mask!"
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Available in all standard strengths
Fits all diving mask types and models

Choose the best position
Bob, a 65-year-old professional scuba diver, tried a pair of SeeDeep Reading glasses in Bonaire. “Great feature of these glasses is that they are not fixed. You can choose the best position and they can be removed if you want
more vision.
See the video here how it works
Made from high quality materials
Neoprene BCD case always included